Letter from Administration (Sept. 23, 2020)
Keeler | Virtual Town Hall Meeting Dear Keeler Families, We will be having our Keeler Virtual Town Hall Meeting on September 30th, 2020 from 6:30pm - 7:00pm A link will be sent out on Monday September 28th to families. Families will be able to click the link and join us in our virtual meeting to meet our leadership team, get updates on our school, take a tour of our classrooms and protocols and ask any questions you may have. Agenda: School Update (Staff, Student enrollment & class sizes) Re-entry protocols Tour of classrooms Questions School Council updates & introductions Please contact our Assistant Principal Mr. Nathan Bane if you have any questions. Reminders: Friday September 25th - Non-instructional Day; no school Ensure you contact the the office when your child is not at school; 403-777-8180 ext. 1 for the attendance line Return all Demographic Forms to the office; if you have not received one please contact you...